Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Greetings on the opening of the Origins National Youth Historical and Cultural Forum

The message reads, in part:
“In recent years, your project has greatly expanded its programme and established itself as a popular platform for professional and friendly
communication among young teachers, employees of scientific institutions,
participants in youth movements, volunteers, and families with children from
many Russian regions.
It is highly symbolic that this year’s forum is taking place at the New
Chersonesos Museum and Church Complex in Sevastopol. This iconic city has witnessed
many important historical events and has become a true emblem of Russia’s
military glory, spiritual power, endurance, and the courage of our people.
I am confident that the Origins forum will provide
you with an excellent opportunity to take part in substantive and engaging discussions
and roundtables, help launch new projects and initiatives, and, of course, contribute
to attracting young people to our unique historical and cultural heritage,
timeless human ideals, and the values of patriotism and civic consciousness.”
